Feminism the Political Puppet

Part one Child Abuse


When any organization or movement becomes to influential then governments or corporations will align themselves with them and in doing so the morals and ideology by their leaders become corrupted in order for them to gain power and influence. If the leaders of these movements refuse to corrupt their values then they are infiltrated and ousted, then they are nothing more than a political puppet who’s strings can be pulled to control and manipulate the public with a whole new twisted ideology.

Any organization or movement whether it be Feminism, Masculinism, Ethnic Minorities, Charities, Religion, Science, History etc have all been infiltrated, controlled or manipulated to serve the corporate or political agenda and keep the populace dumbed down with trivia and limited knowledge.

Individual feminists most of the time talk from the heart and most of the time talk a lot of sense they usually don’t align themselves with governments or corporations and in many cases some have left feminist groups because of various reasons including control, abuse and bullying tactics. They are usually articulate and very intelligent and see what they do as benefiting not only women but everyone. They acknowledge that men are an important factor in helping combat inequality and abuse.

Feminist groups align themselves to governments and corporations usually ignoring abuse when it interferes with government policy and twisting the truth or deliberately lying to suit their agenda. (or the people they are in bed with) They also list keywords and phrases which they repeat until people start to believe them as fact. They often use generic arguments and statements that can be knocked down within seconds and tend to speak over those who do during interviews and debates. They control and manipulate women and see all men as a potential enemy. Feminist groups also support ( some suggest they don’t) certain Gynarchy movements that actively support the abuse of children both male and female from a very early age. Female’s being taught to be sexually aggressive with males while males are forced to be submissive and accepting of their situation.


Feminist groups in the UK, US and the western world in general tend to lie and manipulate facts concerning child abuse and those involved. Shannon Ridgway a feminist and regular contributor to the well respected online magazine Everyday Feminism.com helps to dispel some of these myths.

Adopted parents and Foster Carers are often sighted as being the most abusive parental figures in the US and UK but this is simply a lie. Adoptive parents and Foster Carers backgrounds are rigorously checked on by social services, the children in their care are always wanted where as this is not always the case with biological parents.

In 2012 Child protective services that 686,000 children were victims of maltreatment in the United States —or 9.2 per 1,000– and over 80% of the perpetrators of these crimes were the children’s parents. And of this number, 88% were biological parents, not step- or adopted as many of us have been taught to believe.

The only UK statistics available come directly from two children’s charities who’s involvement with governments make them less than credible.

In addition, 45% of the total number of perpetrators were men. And 54%? Women. (US Figures)

In the UK the figures are roughly the same 42% being men and 58% being women.

This would make sense as women tend to spend more time with their children even if they work while men are either working or absent from their lives. Women abusers are more likely to get custody of their child rather than a male parent as UK laws are gender biased.

Men may be more likely to commit violent crime but physical, sexual, emotional, and neglectful are all types of abuse and 78% of abuse is neglectful and emotional which is mostly perpetrated by women.


Feminist Groups will have to stop lying and burying their head in the sand that women don’t abuse they are equally responsible for the suffering of children. Governments and charities have a reason to cover up abuse of children. Why do many Feminist groups?

As Shannon Ridgway says ignoring the fact that women can be abusive too reinforces this harmful stereotype, which only serves to uphold the patriarchal standards that we are fighting against.She also says the feminist movement must recognize the fact that women, too, can be abusive and show’s us five step’s that have to be taken.

1. Intersectionality Means Recognizing the Marginalization of Children and Working to Eradicate It

And ignoring the abuse of children only reaffirms that we believe they should not have a voice, that they do not matter.

2. Women Are Not ‘Natural Caretakers’

3. Women Who Sexually Abuse Children Are Criminals, Not Seductive Temptresses

We all are quick to acknowledge that when a man commits sexual abuse against a child or teenager, he has engaged in a criminal act. Not so with women. Unfortunately, this older-woman-as-seductress trope is so ingrained in our culture that only recently have we begun to dismantle it.

4. Matriarchy Is No Better Than Patriarchy

Patriarchy and matriarchy (and any other “-archy”) are about who holds the control and power.

5. Survivors Should Feel Free to Embrace Feminism, Not Feel That It Has Failed Them


For more info on Shannon Ridgway‘s article here it is in full at the Everyday Feminism website.



Feb 20th 2016

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